
Crypto Industry Classification Standard (CICS) is a classification standard focused on the crypto universe. The CICS is a four-tiered, hierarchical industry classification system that comprises 5 Crypto Domains, 15 Crypto Categories, 40 Crypto Sub-categories, and 79 Crypto Classes. The CICS categorizes companies, organizations, and projects into five Crypto Domains based on their primary business activities: Financials, Blockchain, Culture, Commercial & Technical Services, and Identity & Social Relationships. Each Crypto Domain is further divided into Crypto Classes, providing a more detailed level of classification. Using the CICS, you can identify trends and opportunities within specific domains and categories and make informed investment decisions. Additionally, the CICS is also used to develop domain-specific or category-specific crypto indices, such as the CIC55, MVI10, and DFI20, which provide a benchmark for performance within a particular coverage. Finally, it's worth noting that the CICS is periodically reviewed and updated to ensure it remains relevant and reflective of the evolving market landscape.

The CICS methodology is considered a crypto industry analytical framework for industry research, investment analysis, portfolio management, and asset allocation. Companies are classified qualitatively due to the current lack of quantitative data in the crypto universe. As the crypto universe develops, quantitive data will become a critical factor for the classification methodology and be used accordingly. Each company or project is assigned a single CICS classification at the Crypto Class level according to its principal business activity.

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